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Troubleshooting from George Brazil

What is Water Heater Recovery Time?

Here’s the official definition: A water heater’s “recovery time” (also called “recovery rate“) is the amount of hot water (in gallons) a tank water heater can provide in just one hour after being completely drained. Recovery rate basically gives you an idea of how fast a water heater can heat water. Now, knowing the recovery

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Tips & Definitions from George Brazil

How Does a Water Softener Work?

A water softener works by stripping “hard” water of minerals such as calcium and magnesium and replacing those minerals with sodium or potassium. In other words, a water softener turns hard water soft. In this article, we’ll explain: What hard water is (and why many homeowners prefer soft water) How a water softener turns hard

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Pinhole Leaks in Copper Pipes Explained

Uh-oh. You’ve heard about those tiny, destructive openings in copper pipes called pinhole leaks, and now you’d like to know what they’re all about. It’s good that you’re curious, because pinhole leaks can cause your home’s entire plumbing system to fail-not to mention cost you a small fortune on your utility bills. You’ve come to

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